#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ;þ !t::Send {U+00FE} ;τ !^t::Send {U+03C4} ;ɸ !p::Send {U+0278} ;θ !0::Send {U+03B8} ;ö !o::Send {U+00F6} ;σ !^o::Send {U+03C3} ;ñ !n::Send {U+00F1} ;í !i::Send {U+00ED} ;π !3::Send {U+03C0} ;∞ !`::Send {U+221E} ;∫ !1::Send {U+222B} ;² !2::Send {U+00B2} ;● !.::Send {U+25CF} ;∴ !^.::Send {U+2234} ;֍ !,::Send {U+058D} ;≠ !=::Send {U+2260} ;≈ !^`::Send {U+2248} ;˽ !9::Send {U+02FD} ;˾ !]::Send {U+02FE} ;ˬ !6::Send {U+02EC} ;√ !s::Send {U+221A} ;∑ !^e::Send {U+2211} ;Δ !d::Send {U+0394} ;° !c::Send {U+00B0} ;λ !y::Send {U+03BB} ;μ !u::Send {U+03BC} ;∩ !^u::Send {U+2229} ;ε !e::Send {U+03B5} ;ϖ !^w::Send {U+03D6} ;ω !w::Send {U+03C9} ;Ω !m::Send {U+2126} ;ʘ !g::Send {U+0298} ;Γ !^g::Send {U+0393} ;ℓ !l::Send {U+2113} ;ß !b::Send {U+00DF} ;α !a::Send {U+03B1} ;ä !^a::Send {U+00E4} ;ø !/::Send {U+00F8} ;± !-::Send {U+00B1} ;Ɐ !+a::Send {U+2C6F} ;ψ !^p::Send {U+03C8} ;ƒ !f::Send {U+0192} ;ζ !z::Send {U+03B6} ;→ !+.::Send {U+2192} ;ඞ !+m::Send {U+0D9E} ;ツ !^0::Send {U+30C4} ;î !^i::Send {U+00EE} ;ĵ !j::Send {U+0135} ;‿ +!)::Send {U+203F} ;⁔ +!(::Send {U+2054} ;◕ !8::Send {U+25D5} ;tunic spells !+k::SendInput,{up}, SendInput,{left}, SendInput,{up},SendInput,{right},SendInput,{down},SendInput,{right} #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3 ^!=:: Toggle := !Toggle Loop { If (!Toggle) Break Click Sleep 10 ; Make this number higher for slower clicks, lower for faster. } return